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In order to be able to make various changes as an administrator or to check which users have already registered with the bestzero® Appsbox, you can do all this via the bestzero® web interface.


To log in to the bestzero® web interface, proceed as follows:


1. Open the bestzero® web interface, e.g. https://serveraddress.bestzero.web:8043


Welcome to Cordaware bestzero


2. Next you can log in to the web interface using the default login credentials:



Username:                admin

Password:                bestzero



3. After logging in, various menu items are available on the left side. These are explained below.



How can I remove a registered user from the Appsbox?


We have provided the individual steps in the chapter Unregistering a Provider via the Appsbox.


As an administrator, where can I see who is registered with the Appsbox on the system?


In the left menu bar switch to the section Clients -> Extern registered.


Clients Extern registered


Now you will see all the users who have registered to your coid using the Appsbox.



Extern registered


How can I remove a user from the Appsbox if they have either replaced the device or need to re-register for this?


We have provided the individual steps in the chapter Remove registered devices.


I have lost access to my OTP application, how do I get a new QR code?


Instructions for resetting the authentication for individual users can be found here.


Where can I see who is currently connected to the Appsbox and what additional details are listed here?


In the left menu bar switch to the section Socks > Overview Socks.


Overview socks


There you will find a list of which user is currently connected to the Appsbox and which app/resource (pool) has just been established with the number of open connections.


Overview socks clients


Via the socks_3 Pools button, you will find a listing of all apps/resources that have currently been shared with a Hive.


Overview socks Pools


There you can select a pool and with the button socks_5 you will find a listing of which users are currently using this pool / app.


Pools Clients



How can I subsequently adjust or set the logo at the provider in the Appsbox?



You can upload your own logo for the provider via the Contents -> Content menu.




There, click the Images folder and then click the button to upload a new logo.


Content File browser


You can select a logo using the "Select file(s)" button and then it will be uploaded automatically after selection.


Upload file


In the bestzero® web interface, you can select the newly uploaded logo under System -> System (global) at Client (external) under Logo (Socks).


Logo Socks


Click the "Save" button below to have the changes applied.



How can I set the validity of the token when registering at Appsbox?



In the bestzero® web interface, the lifetime of the token can be specified in minutes under System -> System (global) at Client (external):


Token Lifetime


Save the new setting using the "Save" button below.



When sending the token by post / REST interface the validity is set in the following setting token_by_post_lifetime = 10, you can find more information in this chapter Settings for token distribution > Token via REST interface.