2FA authentication (self-hosted)

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2FA authentication (self-hosted)

In this chapter you will learn how to use the two-factor authentication in bestzero®.


Variants of the 2FA setup


There are several variants of how you can use two-factor authentication.


hmtoggle_arrow1Provider registration with two-factor authentication


hmtoggle_arrow1Provider connection with two-factor authentication


hmtoggle_arrow1Custom apps with two-factor authentication


Request of the two-factor authentication token


If a two-factor authentication token is requested, the following input mask appears:




Under "2FA Token" you can enter the generated token of your OTP application and with the help of the "Confirm" button you can send it.

The yellow progress bar below the buttons is the remaining time indicator, how long is still waiting for the input of the two-factor authentication token.



Waiting time when entering an incorrect token


Once this has expired, the authentication action must be re-executed and thus the two-factor authentication must be requested again.


If an incorrect token is entered and confirmed, then the token entry field is disabled for a certain wait time.

This waiting time increases depending on how often a token is entered incorrectly in succession.


1 incorrect entry

1 second waiting time.

2 incorrect entries

2 seconds waiting time..

3 incorrect entries

4 seconds waiting time.

4 incorrect entries

8 seconds waiting time.

5 incorrect entries

16 seconds waiting time.

6 or more incorrect entries

32 seconds waiting time.



Configuring the lifetime of the two-factor authentication session


If two-factor authentication is active and there are no active connections to apps, the provider can be automatically stopped after a specified time with the following setting.


Open the "best_local.ini" configuration file at the directory level. (Default directory: "C:\Program Files\Cordaware\best_srv\etc\best_local.ini").


To do this, add the following entry to the "[best_ext]" section:



client_2fa_session_timeout = -1 (Default value)


The value -1 deactivates this function.


(If an entry with the key “client_2fa_session_timeout” already exists, simply change the value to the desired number of minutes.)


Save the configuration file and restart the service "Cordaware_bestinformed_best_srv" to apply the changes.



Configuring the lifetime of the two-factor authentication token.


Open the "best_local.ini" configuration file at the directory level. (Default directory: "C:\Program Files\Cordaware\best_srv\etc\best_local.ini").

Here you can define the time in minutes how long will be waited for entering a two-factor authentication token.


To do this, add the following entry to the "[best_ext]" section:



client_2FA_wait_timeout = 5 (Default value)

(If an entry with the key "client_2FA_wait_timeout" already exists, just change the value to the desired number of minutes).


Save the configuration file and restart the service "Cordaware_bestinformed_best_srv" to apply the changes.



Configuration of the waiting time when entering a wrong token


In the configuration file "best_local.ini" you can define if the system should wait for a certain time when a wrong token is entered before the token entry field is released again or not.


Add the following entry to the section "[best_ext]":



delayon = true (Default value)

(If an entry with the key "delayon" already exists, just change the value accordingly, depending on whether you want to enable ("true") or disable ("false") the feature).


Again, save the configuration file and restart the "Cordaware_bestinformed_best_srv"  service to apply the changes.





hmtoggle_arrow1I have lost access to my OTP application, how do I get a new QR code?


hmtoggle_arrow1Will I lose an active connection if I lock an app secured with two-factor authentication again?