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Barrier-free software plays an important role in certain companies. Therefore Cordaware bestinformed is offering a function, that will bring up the Infogrid after receiving a new info, instantly. If needed, a screen reader software can translate the message and read it out loud for visually impaired recipients.


Hyperlinks like URL's and response hyperlinks within the info can be opened by pressing a defined key.


Barrierefrei Vorschau


The following Infoclient.ini Settings can be used:



Default Value / Example



ShowInfoHistoryOnNewInfo=True / False

Default= False

If this entry is set to true, the Infogrid will open up and focus the received Info.


ShowInfohistoryOnly=True / False

Default= False

If this settings is set to true, no infos or popups will be displayed. Only the Infogrid will be shown.


The setting ShowInfoHistoryOnNewInfo needs to be set to true as well in that case.



Default= Leer

With the keys defined in the settings OpenInfoHistoryHyperlinksKey, you can open hyperlinks of the selected row.


Hyperlinks and scripts can be opened as well.









Default configuration. Incoming Infos will be displayed as usual. No Infogrid will appear.




Incoming Infos will be displayed as usual. The Infogrid will show up and focus the new Info. Hyperlinks can be opened by pressing the defined key F12.




Only the Infogrid will appear with an incoming Info. No ticker or popup will be displayed. Hyperlinks can be opened by pressing the defined key F12.






With InfoStartScript and InfoEndScript you can run a defined script, which will change the Info in order to let a screen reader read the included message out loud or to send a response automatically when the Info is closed or the Info is ended.



Following Infoclient.ini entries are provided for these functions:



Incoming popups will be focused automatically.


Sets a custom window caption for the popup.



Here you can set a comma separated InfoStartScript, which will be executed on an incoming Info.



Here you can set a comma separated InfoStartScript, which will be executed on closing or by expiring of the Info.






Script="program Script;",var,"AList: TStringList;",begin,"AList :=TStringList.Create;",try,"AList.Text := InfoListText;","if NOT (AList.Values['Popup'] = '3') then begin AList.Values['Popup'] := '1'; end; AList.Values['PopupUseIE'] := '1'; AList.Values['Creator'] := AList.Values['Creator'] + ': ' + AList.Values['Info']; ",SetInfoListText(AList.Text);,finally,AList.Free;,end;,end.


This script converts the Infotext into a popup caption. The captions can be translated by screen readers.



Script="program Script;",begin,"if RunningOnWinLogon then SendResponse('Info Ending on WinLogon Desktop','Status') else SendResponse('Info Ending on User Desktop','Status');",end.


This script will send a response to the Infoserver automatically when the Info is closed or the display time expired. If the Info expires on a winlogon desktop, a response will be sent to the Infoserver, which says that the Info expired on winlogon. This way, you can see, if the recipient read the message.



Additional Barrier-free settings



Hotkeys to view the Infoclientmenu


In order to view the Infoclientmenu via a hotkey, proceed as follows:


1.) Open the Infoclient Quickconfiguration and switch to the hotekeys menu:




2.) In the hotkeys menu you can now configure and activiate the hotkeys which are used to view the Infoclientmenu.




The configured hotkeys will be saved in the [Hotkeys] section of the Infoclient.ini.


Please note:


If you want to give your users the possibility to enable the silentmode on their Infoclient, then the following settings in the Infoclient.ini needs to be set to true:




Afterwards an additional menu for the silent mode will be available in the InfoclientMenu.



StatusInfo as Windows system notification:


In order to display Statusinfos on the recipient Clients via Windows system notifications, the following Settings can be used:




The system notification can only be used on Windows 8 and Windows 10.


Please note, that hyperlinks can not be opened via the system notification.






System notification when a client can't establish a connection to the


If your Infoclients can't connect to the Infoserer, you have the possibility to display a system notification on the Userdesktop via the Infoclient Settings "BalloonHint=True".


The interval, in which the notification will be displayed, depends on the time in seconds which is set in the "PollingTime=" Infoclient.ini setting. If you want to avoid having the notification displayed for example every 10 seconds, then the following Infoclient.ini settings can be used:


MinCountBalloonHintOnNotConnected="Integer Value"


With this setting, the Pollingtime will now be counted multiple times before the notification will be displayed again.


After the notification is shown, the time until it will be shown again will be increased exponentionally.

Please check the following example for a detailed explanation:



In our example the following settings are used:









After the client looses the connection, a system notification will be displayed after 10 seconds (Pollingtime)

The next system notification will be displayed after 4 * 10 seconds  (MinCountBalloonHintOnNotConnected * Pollingtime)

The third system notification will be displayed after 8 * 10 seconds (MinCountBalloonHintOnNotConnected * 2 * Pollingtime)

The fourth system notification will be displayed after 16 * 10 seconds (MinCountBalloonHintOnNotConnected * 4 * Pollingtime)

The fifth system notification will be displayed after 32 * 10 seconds (MinCountBalloonHintOnNotConnected * 8 * Pollingtime)


The time between displaying the system notification will increase exponentionally if the client can't establish a connection to the Infoserver.