The Cordaware Infoclient

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The Cordaware Infoclient

The Infoclient receives new messages from the Infoserver and is displaying these on the screen.




The size of transfer between Infoserver and Infoclient depends on the message size.


The query data when connecting to the Infoserver sums up to about


Infoclient -> Infoserver 100 Byte




Infoserver -> Infoclient 30 Byte (without messages).


After the connection was set up, the Infoclient will only send KeepAlive packages (one at a time) in a defined intervall.


Winlogon & Userdesktop


It is possible to display messages on the userdesktop (e.g. if a user has logged onto the computer) as well as on the WinLogon screen (WinNT or higher), i.e. if the computer is locked or no user has logged onto the computer (this also applies to Terminalservers).


Infos that are displayed on the WinLogon screen are visible to everybody.


A few examples:


Info on Winlogon and Userdesktop:


If no user has logged on, the Info will be displayed on the WinLogon screen.

If an user now logs on, he will continue to see the message, presumed he is a member of the group to which the Info is assigned.


Info on Winlogon:


If no user has logged on, the Info will be displayed on the WinLogon screen.

If an user now logs on, the message won't be displayed anymore.


Info with WinLogon and Userdesktop and certain group:


If an user is logged on who is not a member of group, the message won't be displayed to him.

If no user is logged on, the Info is visible on the WinLogon screen.


Attention: If a user now logs on, who isn't a member of the recipient-group, he will see the info on his Winlogon screen.