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Next to Groups and Filters, Channels offer an additional possibility to address users. Users can subscribe to channels, they don't have to be assigned by the administrator.


Channels serve for spreading information, when the Infoclient, i.e. the combination of computername, IP-address and username can't be uniquely identified.

This always happens, when the Infoclient is not logged on to a domain, e.g. when connecting over the internet.


If you want to distribute the most recent special offers or company news to your customers, then create a channel "Special Offers" or "Recent News".


The user of the Infoclient then can subscribe to this channel and will always be up to date.


Channels can be created language dependently, this enables an user to be informed in his mother tongue. Please mind the correct choice and insertion of the languages.



Creating Channels


Use the app Channels, in order to create and manage your Channels. To create a new one, click on the button button-neu (New) in the toolbar.


In this form, enter a name for your Channel and select the language to address specific clients dependent on their language.


Select one of the following Channel types:



With this Channel type, your users can follow the Channel. By sending an Info to a Standard-Channel, only the followers of the Channel will receive the according Info.


With this Channel type, a predefined script with the message is executed once on the connected Infoclients.


This Channel type executes a predefined script containing the message for the duration of the info on the connected Infoclients.






Now click on Save to create the new Channel.



Addressing a Channel


When creating a new Info in the Infoeditor, you'll be able to select and address all subscribed clients by selecting the Channel through the menu item Recipients > Channels.




After that, you can save the Info and address the follower of this Channel.