List of scalable permissions of roles

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List of scalable permissions of roles

In the following, you can find a list of scalable permissions of roles and their functions.



Permissions to the topic New Info




Create Infos allowed

Allows the role to create Infos.

Enable Infos allowed

Allows the role to release Infos.

Delete own Infos allowed

Allows the role to delete its own Infos.

Change (edit/delete/cancel) Infos of other users allowed

Allows the role to edit Infos from other roles.

Open end allowed

Allows the role to create an Info with an open end.

Signal allowed

Allows the role to use the system beep in Infos.

Sound allowed

Allows the role to play sound files in an Info.

Volume allowed

Allows the role to influence the volume on the client pc for incoming Infos.

Offline Infos allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to send Infos in the offline mode.

Interval allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to configure periodic Infos.

Channel selection allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use Channels for the dynamic Addressing.

Filter selection allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use filters in the recipients selection.

Popup allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to send Infos as Popups.

Cancel all running Infos on client PC allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use the Master Info, which will cancel all active Infos on the client pc.

Quickuser allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to address Quickusers.

Client history allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to save Infos on the Mobile Clients overview. By default, Infos will be moved to the history.

Response (manual answers) allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use manual responses of the Mobile Client.

LDAP groups allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use LDAP groups.

Guardian allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to use a Guardian when sending out an Info.

Allow all-clear Infos

Determines, if the role is allowed to use all-clear Infos.

Mail2Info - Allow this interface for sending Infos

Allows the usage of the Mail2Info interface.

Allow a Live-Preview (on Client)

Allows the use of the Live-Preview. This can be used to test the appearance of the Info on the client.

Allow recipient options as OR operation

Allows to use the options within the Recipient tab in the Info Editor.

Allow advanced recipient options

Allows to use the advanced recipient settings in the Recipients tab in the Info Editor.

Sending an Info is only to selected recipients possible (not to all)

Only allows Infos to be sent to selected recipients.

Allow random generator

Allows the use of the random generator.



Permissions to the topic Infos




Info overview allowed

Allows the view of the Info overview.

Infohistory allowed

Allows the view of the Infohistory.

Show recipient overview

Allows the view of the detailed recipient overview.

Show sent Infos in the recipient overview

Allows the view of the sent Infos recipient overview.

Show response in the recipient overview

Allows the view of the responses in the recipient overview.



Permissions to the topic Templates




Save Template

Allows to save Templates.

Save Template group

Allows to create Template groups.

Delete Template

Allows to delete own Templates.

Delete Template group

Allows to delete own Template groups.



Permissions to the topic Content




Content management allowed

Allows to use the content management.



Permissions to the topic Scenario




Config scenarios allowed

Allows to create and configure scenarios.

Send scenarios allowed

Allows to send out scenarios.



Permissions to the topic StatusInfos




Config StatusInfos allowed

Allows to create and configure StatusInfos.



Permissions to the topic ScriptVar




Edit ScriptVars allowed

Allows to edit ScriptVars.



Permissions to the topic Filter




Allow filter creation

Allows to create filters.

Allow filter edit from other users.

Allows editing filters created by other users.

Allow filter delete from other users.

Allows to delete filters created by other users.

Allow filter deletion

Allows to delete own filters.



Permission to the topic Guardian




Allow guardian creation

Allows to create Guardians.

Allow guardian deletion

Allows to delete own Guardians.

Process creation allowed

Allows to create processes, which can be used for Guardians.

Process delete allowed

Allows to delete own processes, which can be used for Guardians.

Window title creation allowed

Allows to create window titles, which can be used for Guardians.

Window title delete allowed

Allows to delete own window titles, which can be used for Guardians.



Permissions to the topic Groups




Create groups allowed

Allows to create groups.

Delete groups allowed

Allows to delete own groups.



Permissions to the topic Location Manager




Read only for all location manager functions (Admin view)

Determine, if the role is allowed read only access for all Location Manager functions.

Allows the user to adjust the location data (System right)

Allows to adjust the own location data. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow manager creation (System right)

Allows to create managers. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow manager deletion (System right)

Allows deleting managers. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow unit creation (System right)

Allows to create alarm units. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow unit deletion (System right)

Allows deleting alarm units. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow organization creation (System right)

Allows creating organizations. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow organization deletion (System right)

Allows deleting organizations. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow organization import (System right)

Allows importing organizations. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow item creation (System right)

Allows to create devices. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow item deletion (System right)

Allows deleting devices. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow item import (System right)

Allows importing devices. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow watchman creation (System right)

Allows to create watchman. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow watchman deletion (System right)

Allows deleting watchman. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow relation creation (System right)

Allows to create alert circles. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow relation deletion (System right)

Allows deleting alert circles. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow relation import (System right)

Allows importing alert circles. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow template edit (System right)

Allows to edit templates. (Cannot be set manually)

Allow settings adjust (System right)

Allows to customize settings. (Cannot be set manually)



Permissions to the topic Alarm




Creation of entries allowed

Allows to create entries in the Alarm App.


This permission combined with the different views of the Alarm App is necessary! If you give the permission of a view to a role, this role can not create entries in the assigned view!

Deletion of entries allowed

Allows to delete entries in the Alarm App.


This permission combined with the different views of the Alarm App is necessary! If you give the permission of a view to a role, this role can not delete entries in the assigned view!

Computer view allowed

Allows the role to view all added computers in the Alarm App.

Room view allowed

Allows the role to view all added rooms in the Alarm App.

PC to Room view allowed

Allows the role to view the PC to Room assignment.

Allocation view allowed

Allows the role to view the Allocations.

Realname view allowed

Allows the role to view the display names.

Cascade alarm view allowed

Allows the role to view the escalation levels.

Alarm plan / visualizer view allowed

Allows the role to view the alarm plan / visualizer

Settings view allowed

Allows the role to view the settings of the Alarm App.

bestinformed 5 AKM import allowed

Determines, if the role is allowed to import data of the Cordaware bestinformed 5 AKM.



Permissions to the topic Chat




Allow Chat creation

Allows to create a new Chat.

Allow Chat deletion

Allows to delete own Chats.



Permissions to the topic Channels




Create and edit Channels allowed

Allows to add and edit Channels.

Copy Channels allowed

Allows to copy Channels.

Delete Channels allowed

Allows to delete Channels.

Create static Channels allowed

Allows to create static Channels.

Create dynamic Channels allowed

Allows to create dynamic Channels.



Permissions to the topic Surveys




Delete initiated surveys allowed

Allows to delete initiated surveys.

Release blocked surveys allowed

Allows to set free locked surveys.

Initiate surveys allowed

Allows to execute surveys.

Edit surveys allowed

Allows to edit surveys.

Delete surveys allowed

Allows to delete surveys.

Show survey history allowed

Allows the view on survey history.

Allow finishing/resuming of initiated surveys

Allows to resume and finish initiated surveys.

Use own corporate design allowed

Allows to use own corporate designs.

Plausibility check(Checking the answers to 100%) allowed

Allows to use the plausibility check.

Import surveys allowed

Allows to import surveys.

Create notifications for surveys

Allows to use notifications for surveys.

Show group of surveys

Allows the view on group surveys.

Restricted view for surveys/initiated surveys/surveygroups with logon groups

Limit the view of the surveys / initiated surveys and group surveys based on the logon groups.

Reset user answers

Allows resetting the answers.



Permission to the topic Configuration




Create / edit IniFile entries allowed

Allows to add and edit IniFile entries.

Delete IniFiles entries allowed

Allows to delete own IniFile entries.



Permission to the topic Reports




Create report allowed

Allows to create reports.



Permission to the topic Connection




Connections allowed

Allows the view on the Connection overview.

Connection history allowed

Allows the view on the Connection history.



Permission to the topic Scripteditor




Create / edit scripts allowed

Allows to add and edit scripts.

Delete scripts allowed

Allows to delete own scripts.



Permission to the topic Textfile




Create Textfile

Allows to create Textfiles.

Delete Textfile

Allows to delete own Textfiles.



Permission to the topic Concierge




Allow concierge creation

Allows to create Concierges.

Allow concierge commands creation

Allows to create Concierge commands.

Allow concierge commands deletion

Allows to delete own Concierge commands.

Allow concierge deletion

Allows to delete own Concierge commands.