My Alarms

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Navigation:  Alarm > Alarm > Configuration > Additional settings >

My Alarms

Here you can view all your existing alarms, change the global behavior as well as create new alarms.





My Alarms


Here you have an overview of all your existing alarm and their settings.





Name of your alarm.


Description of your alarm.

Template name

Name of the Template which is used for the alarm.

Alarm type

The type of your alarm can be defined here:


Alarm to all other rooms:

The alarm is sent to all currently connected infoclients in other rooms as the trigger room. Not assigned clients get the alarm too!


Locational alarm (Use escalation levels):

The alarm is sent based on the currently configured alarm circles.


Locational alarm within template receivers:

Same as the locational alarm, but you may also use filters to further restrict addressed Infoclients.


Info to template receivers:

You are required to define custom filters etc. in the template for addressing the info.


Info to alarm sender:

You can use this setting if you want to test your own alarm beforehand. With the Option Info to alarm sender the alarm will only be displayed on the desktop of the initiator of the alarm.

Key combination

Shows, which key combination has to be pressed and hold in order to initiate an alarm.

Time to press (in MS)

Shows, how long the key combination has to be held in order to initiate an alarm.




Global behavior


Settings regarding the global behavior can be changed here.




Alarm active on client

Here you can decide if the infoclients are able to initiate alarm or not.

Beware: No alarms can be initiated if the checkbox is not ticked.

Dynamic Availability Check

Switches the Dynamic Availability Check on or off. With this you can display how many possible recipients a client would have.

Alarm Activator feedback

Here you can define the response which the initiator of the alarm sees after sending our an alarm.

More about the initiator feedback can be found here.


Refresh interval

The interval in which the alarm feedback window updates itself. (Default: 10 Seconds)

Refresh count

Number of times how often the feedback window will refresh. (Default: 3 times)



With the Serverboard entry




important data for the alarm will be created new automatically (if you delete them provided).

These are the following settings:

Alarm filters

StatusInfo of the alarm response

StatusInfo of the alarm availability check


Whenever you open the app Alarm (Alarm -> Alarm), the lost data are available again.


If you want to reset the configurations about Global behavior, click on the button Alarm_MyAlarms_assistant.




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