Introduction Cordaware bestinformed

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Introduction Cordaware bestinformed

Cordaware bestinformed is an advanced information- and messaging system for distributing high-priority messages to affected users. Messages are distributed instantly, group-specifically and are displayed in a dynamic ticker without delay on the user's desktop.


The recipient is able to instantly view the information, you don't need to wait for the recipient to read his/her message with a delay of time, as it is the case e.g. with emails.


In contrast to pop-up systems, the recipient is not interrupted in his work. The user's focus can remain on his current task and he's not obliged to click on an OK button in order to resume his current occupation.


For a complete overview on the functions and features in the editions of Cordaware bestinformed 6, please visit the Cordaware bestinformed 6 section on!


Because of the swift and easy-to-use administration of groups, messages can be distributed purposefully at cyberspeed.


In addition to displaying messages directly on the user's desktop, it is possible to display messages on the Windows logon-screen, i.e. if the user has locked his computer or has logged himself off.


Further, you can arrange time-steered and periodically recurring messages.


For urgent messages, it is possible to play a system-sound or any other .wav-file upon receiving a message.


If a user is not at his desktop, then the messages are being saved and can be displayed again any time later.


For optimizing the viewability, the messages can be formatted. Also, a text of several lines is possible.


Additionally, the display of a message can not only be visualized as a ticker, it also is possible to install persistently displayed StatusInfos, and for particular cases of emergency it even is possible to create pop-ups.


The API and MailToInfo interfaces enable a migration into other systems. If desired, the Infoserver can be administered with alternative applications.


In addition to its basic functionalities, Cordaware bestinformed offers you numerous further possibilities to optimize your information-management.


Cordaware TED


Cordaware TED enables you to quickly and economically perform employee-surveys. This offers you a variety of possibilities to acquire a client-feedback and to react accordingly.


Alarm Edition


The Alarm Edition was developed primarily for workplaces, where the employees are at risk of becoming victims of violence or harassment, respectively need to be able to instantly post emergency calls due to a proximate endangerment in general.


The Alarm Edition enables you to setup PC based alarms, which enable users to instantly post predefined yet flexible alerts by pressing a combination of keys on their keyboard. The initiator of an alert receives continuous feedback on who has received the message.