New in Version 6

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New in Version 6



Programming language and architecture

Infoserver and database are using the programming language Erlang, which helps to improve the performance in many ways. This programming language and the used modern algorithms are also used in many popular messengers (e.g. “WhatsApp” or “Facebook Messenger”), which can handle million of messages in a couple of seconds.


More supported operating systems

Beside Windows, the Infoserver is now executable on Unix-based operating systems like MacOS and Linux.


Infoserver architecture

Server and web server are now separate and independent components. The web server provides the web interface and saves the created data sets from the user in the database. The server reads the data sets from the database and processes them. Additionally the server handles the communication to the Clients and between the server nodes.


Multiple independent server environments

With the new architecture and the used database the possibilty is given to connect several server environments (Infoserver) with each other. Through this, a servergrid and be created, which improves the system stability.


All servers share all data sets and connections between themselves and proceed as a unified system. In the case of an aborted connection between the server nodes, all systems can be used and administered independently.

This means, if server node A loses the connection to server node B, each server node can still send Infos and data sets can be administered as usual. If the connection is restored, all changes in the database will be synchronized and form a unified system again. This can be realised through an own server as well as an own database on every Infoserver environment. All connected server nodes replicate their database together, so the same data sets are provided on every server node.


New database system

A document based database is used in version 6. This database works really fast and provides “out-of-the-box” many replication functions which allow to synchronize the independent server nodes and the creation of back ups.


Optimizing the encoded connections (SSL certificate and SSLCipher)




Administration & Configuration:


New and optimized web interface

Cordaware bestinformed Version 6 includes a modern and user friendly web interface based on the JavaScript-Framework “Sencha ExtJS”. This enabled the display of the dynamic information and allows a better and faster handling and administration. Together with many functions, e.g. sorting and searching for data sets, these aspects basically form a better user experience. In addition the web interface is compatible with every common browser.


Infoserver configuration without a restart

Settings on the Infoserver are instantly applied without restarting the system.


Server statistic

With the server statistic an overview of the server's actual harddrive and internal memory workload can be viewed in the web interface.


License key

The license key can now be applied directly through the web interface.


New multiuser concept

With roles and profiles certain users can be allowed the access to the web interface. Roles, which contain defined rights, can be provided to users in order to fulfill particular tasks.



In the system settings it is possible to set a standard profile for the user login.



Mutual usage of resources of an user (filter, groups, templates etc.) can also be inherited dynamically. Furthermore are new options available e.g. groups can now be inherited with their filter automatically or only be confined to the allocated filter resources.


Client configuration

The creation of configurations for the Info client’s will now be proceeded through an own app in the web interface.


Connection overview

The connection overview can now be confined to certain rows. (e.g. only displaying the user- and computername)



The amount of logged in users is displayed on the right hand side of the Informations (Server) field on the dashboard.


User settings

Additional configurations can be defined in the user settings. (e.g. restriction of the languages for the Infoeditor or a customized menu)



For the transition to the new version (5 -> 6)


Info & Group Management:


Filters (Addressing with client attributes)

With filters the attributes of the connected clients, (e.g. computer- and username, IP address, etc.) which are transmitted while connecting to the Infoserver, are summed up. All attributes can be used to let a filter fulfill certain requirements (e.g. computername has to contain “laptop”) in order to address certain Clients. It is also possible to use an user defined script for the determination of the recipients (e.g. reading text files, etc.).



Infos can be sent directly to clients with certain processes running, window titles etc. There are also more actions like close process, lock process, etc.


Additional opportunities of recipient selection in the Infoeditor

Addressing through filters, groups and grouped groups.


Direct connection/Fast addressing of LDAP services (domains)

Directory services can be bound directly to the Infoserver. This enabled the direct addressing of LDAP groups from the Infoeditor. Domain attributes can be imported additionally in order to create filters.



Text files for user-defined groups (e.g. from other sources) can not be edited directly in the web interface.


Displaying the Audit in the Infodetails

General improvement in displaying the details on an Info.



The Infoserver now supports client connections through IPv6.


Improved Quickuser selection

When sending an Info, connected clients can be selected and addressed through their domain, username, computername and IP address, without creating any additional filter or group.


Operating system notifications

With a supported operating system, Infos can be displayed as a so called operating system notification.


Integrated group manager

With the group manager computers, users and groups can be imported from a domain.


Cordaware bestinformed  Mobile Client

The Cordaware bestinformed Mobile Client allows to send Infos to mobile devices. In addition users with other mobile clients can participate in chats where they can write messages.



Chat rooms can be provided for the users of the Cordaware bestinformed Mobile Client. There, the participants can write messages to each other.


Sending Infos to messenger programms

With a messenger bot Messages can be sent to users from several messenger programms (e.g. “Telegramm”).




Survey creation

New possibilities with surveys (modern display) and creation of Compliance Surveys.