Add Infotext

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Add Infotext

This chapter shows you how to add Infotext to an app that appears in the Appsbox.




When creating a new app, you have the option of defining an Infotext for this app in the Zero app section using one of the "plus" buttons btn_plus.




In this view, add a new Infotext using the "plus" button btn_plus_small.




First, select your preferred language from the ① drop-down menu and confirm it with the button btn_ok.


If you want to cancel the creation of the Infotext for this language, use the button btn_cancel.




After you create the Infotext for the selected language, you can now make further settings.


Under in the drop-down, you can choose when the Infotext for this language should appear:


leave empty

If this option is selected, the Infotext is not displayed in the Appsbox.


If the option "once" is selected, the Infotext is displayed to the user exactly once in the Appsbox. When first clicking the link to open the app the defined Infotext will be shown instead of opening the actual app. On each further click after this, the app will open and the Infotext will not be shown again.



If the internal version number of the app changes at the bestzero® Hive, the Infotext is displayed exactly once again. For example, you can use this function to notify your users of version-specific changes.


If the option "always" is selected, the Infotext is always displayed to the user in the Appsbox.



You should use this function to provide your users with static information.


With the "minus" button btn_minus_small, you can delete the Infotext for this language.


In the large, free area on the right, you have the option of inserting your actual Infotext into the text box.




If you select your text in this text box, a popover window will be displayed.

In this, you have the most common functions of a WYSIWYG editor at your disposal.