Safety group

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Safety group

Safety Group gives the opportunity to check and confirm an Info by a specified group of recipients before sending. If a user saves an Info, without the right to send enabled Infos, the Info must be confirmed by a member of the Safety Group before it will be sent to the specified clients.


Setting up a Safety Group:


In order to set up a Safety Group please follow these steps:


1. Open the app Filter and create a Filter with the following script:




main(Doc) ->
  ID = best_script:info_id(),
  Info = best_script:info(),
  User = best_script:doc_user(),
  L    = [{<<"Templatename">>,<<"Safetytemplate">>},


2. Open the app System (global) (System -> System (global)) and select the safety filter you have just created in the field Safetygroup.


3. Now create a Template with the name Safetytemplate and the following infotext in the Source Edit mode:


User <b>[ScriptVar=User]</b> requested to enable the following info:&nbsp;--<b> [ScriptVar=Info]</b>&nbsp;--
, <a href="%%EnableInfo%%[ScriptVar=ID]%%">Click here to enable this Info!</a>


4. Create a new role or edit an already existing role and remove the right to enable infos from this role.



As soon as a user from this role wants to send out an info, the info has to be enabled by one of the members of the safetygroup first before being sent out.