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With the app Pushbutton you can set hotkeys that will send an Info or Template when used.


At first, you must create a new Pushbutton. You can do this in the app Pushbutton.






If you click on the button button-neu (New...) a new form will opens.





In this form you can make the following settings:


Name: Enter the name of the Pushbutton here, this also specified in the Client-Configuration.


Description: Here you can add a description.


If you finished this settings, click on Pushbutton_new_pushbutton_save_button.



In the app Configuration (Clients -> Configuration) you configure the Pushbutton so that it can be triggered.


To do this, open a new form:





[general] (section of the inifile)

dashbutton=true (activates the Pushbutton on the client) false (sets the Pushbutton to inactive)

[Dashbutton_Info1] ("Info1" is the name of the Pushbutton, this is set in the app Pushbutton)

Keys=VK_X,VK_C (key combination that triggers the Pushbutton, in this case x and c)

Time=1000 (pushtime in ms)

Info= (Infotext is send to everyone, with Templatename= the name of a template can be set, this template will be sent instead of the Infotext)


After you have saved the configuration, the Pushbutton can be triggered!