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The Cordaware bestinformed Client can also be installed throughout a network via any software distribution, netinstall or the windows login script.


In order to do so, proceed as follows:


1. Download the latest Cordaware bestinformed Infoclient (EXE) bestinformed.exe . The link for the download can be found in the Cordaware customer portal.


2. Save the "bestinformed.exe" in a folder, where the installation should be executed. To give the client configuration directly to the setup, save the "Infoclient.ini" and an "Infoclient.inf" in the same folder in which you have stored the "bestinformed.exe".


If you do not transfer any configuration files or setup information files to the source folder, the default configuration settings are automatically transferred:









Example of an Infoclient.inf file








Please make sure that you enter the section [Setup] when creating the "Infoclient.inf" file.


In the following table you can find a few settings which can be used in the Infoclient.inf file.





When a installation path is entered here, it will override the default path of the installation.


The name of the Folder which will be shown in the start menu can be entered here. Choosing a custom name here will override the default name of the folder.


With "NoIcons=1" a folder will not be created and no icon will be shown in the start menu.


Save the install script as install_infoclient.cmd


Replace "C: \ Software" with the path where you saved your bestinformed.exe.




SET SourceDirectory=C:\Software\


REM ***** install Infoband in silent mode

%SourceDirectory%bestinformed.exe /VERYSILENT /NOSTART /NORESTART /SP- /LOADINF=%SourceDirectory%Infoclient.inf


REM check, if its a 32 Bit or 64 Bit operation system

REM if its a 32Bit operation system the Infoclient will be install in

REM     %ProgramFiles%

REM if its a 64Bit operation system the Infoclient will be install in

REM     %ProgramFiles(x86)%

REM to check this out, we check if  %ProgramFiles(x86)% excise


IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (

   COPY /Y "%SourceDirectory%Infoclient.ini" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.ini"

   "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.exe" /start:InfoclientWinLogonDesktop

   "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.exe" /start:InfoclientUserDesktop

) ELSE (

   COPY /Y "%SourceDirectory%Infoclient.ini" "%ProgramFiles%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.ini"

   "%ProgramFiles%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.exe" /start:InfoclientWinLogonDesktop

   "%ProgramFiles%\Cordaware\Infoband\Infoclient.exe" /start:InfoclientUserDesktop




Now start the command line (cmd.exe) as administrator. Here you can run the script install_infoclient.cmd


You can give the following parameters to the setup:


/VERYSILENT orders the installation to be silent. No user interface is visible during the installation, the wizard is no longer displayed.


/NOSTART prevents the application (and the corresponding service) from being started.


/NORESTART prevents a system restart even if it is required.


/SP- Skip the request if this file should be installed.


/LOADINF  commands the setup to load the configuration file.


Additional parameters which can be used for the installation can be found here.