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The Guardian is the highest instance of the dynamic real-time information distribution and it can be created through the graphic user interface. Using the dynamic addressing you can choose between running processes and window titles as an opportunity for addressing. At the same time you can select how you want to proceed with the process, application or the window. For example, closing a running process with the possibility to save the data before executing.




Settings for Guardians:



Enter a name for your Guardian.


Optional field to describe the Guardian further.


This field describes the type of the Guardian used. You have the following options:

Running process

Checks, if a process is active on the recipients machine.

Window title

Checks, if a certain window title is active on the recipients machine.


Choose the process or the window title which should be addressed.

Using the button Guardians_Button_+_2 you can create a new process or a new window title.

Process (only with type "Window title")

Choose a process to which the monitoring of the window titles should be limited.


Choose an action that should be executed.


The following options are available for the type "Running process":

Only notification

Sends out an info to the recipients of the Guardian.

Close process

Closes the process. Before closing the process the user has the opportunity to save his data.

Kill process

Kills the process. The user does not have the opportunity to save his data beforehand.

Lock process

Locks the process so that the application cannot be started again.

Close process and lock

Closes and locks the process. The user has the opportunity to save his data beforehand.

Kill process and lock

Kills and locks the process. The user does not have the opportunity to save his data beforehand.


Unlocks the process which has been locked by one of the previous actions.


The following options are available for the type "Window title":

Only notification

Sends out an info to the recipients of the Guardian.

Close window

Closes the window. Before closing the window the user has the opportunity to save his data.

Close window and stop the process

Closes the window and kills the process. The user does not have the opportunity to save his data beforehand.


Additionally you have the option to globally restrict the actions, so there are only a few specific actions available. Read more about this topic in the chapter System (global).

Show info

Choose whether an info should be sent or not.

Lock workstation

Choose whether the computer should be locked in addition to the action performed. If this option is set the user has to log in again.

Minutes (only with actions including "Lock process")

Enter an amount in minutes how long the chosen process should be locked, before it will be available again.


Examples for the configuration of Guardians:


hmtoggle_arrow1Running process > Close process and lock


hmtoggle_arrow1Running process > Only notification


hmtoggle_arrow1Window title > Only notification