Global Filter

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Global Filter

Setting a global filter is used to adjust the default recipient group of info, alarms and INI files.


To set a global filter, open the app <%SERVER_GLOBAL_PFAD%> and select the desired filters from the list in the Global filter field.




Example 1: Global filter for exclusion from alarm reception outside an AD group


This example demonstrates how to use a filter to influence alarm reception via the global filter and to set a global whitelist in the form of an LDAP group.


1. ) Create a filter of type Infoclient and with the condition script.is_alarm != empty




2. ) Add the following script to this filter, which forms the logic for the whitelist of all computer objects in the LDAP group under bi_ldap_group()






%% Cordaware bestinformed 6 Global Alarm Filter



bi_ldap_group() -> <<"meine_ldap_gruppe">>. %% LDAP Whitelist


main(_) -> bi_member_of_ldap(bi_to_lower(bi_alarm_sessioncomputername()), bi_to_lower(bi_ldap_group())).


bi_alarm_sessioncomputername() -> best_script:alarm_sessioncomputername().


bi_member_of_ldap(Computer, Group) -> best_script:member_of_ldap_computer_group(Computer, Group).


bi_to_lower(Name) -> string:lowercase(Name).



3. ) Save this filter and store this global filter under <%SERVER_GLOBAL_PFAD%>


Example 2: Global filter for exclusion from Info / INI file reception outside an AD group


This example demonstrates how to use a filter to influence info reception via the global filter and to set a global blacklist in the form of an LDAP group.


1. ) Create a filter of type Infoclient and with the condition script.is_alarm = empty




2. ) Add the following script to this filter, which forms the logic for the blacklist of all computer objects in the LDAP group under bi_ldap_group()






%% Cordaware bestinformed 6 Global Info Filter



bi_ldap_group() -> <<"meine_ldap_gruppe">>. %% LDAP Blacklist


main(_) -> not bi_member_of_ldap(bi_to_lower(bi_alarm_sessioncomputername()), bi_to_lower(bi_ldap_group())).


bi_alarm_sessioncomputername() -> best_script:alarm_sessioncomputername().


bi_member_of_ldap(Computer, Group) -> best_script:member_of_ldap_computer_group(Computer, Group).


bi_to_lower(Name) -> string:lowercase(Name).



3. ) Save this filter and store this global filter under <%SERVER_GLOBAL_PFAD%>




An incorrect configuration of the global filter can have a negative effect on the entire info dispatch of the Cordaware bestinformed 6 server.