Automatic import

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Automatic import

With the Alarm App, you have the option of automatically importing your alarm circles, display names, rooms and computers. An automatic import can be used if you maintain certain .txt files and do not want to carry out this maintenance work on the Alarm App interface.

Proceed as follows for an automatic import:


Store the files you want to use for the automatic import in the installation directory under “.../best_web/etc/alarm/”.

If this folder does not exist, you can easily create it.

Activate the autoimport by creating a new entry in the serverboard, setting under the section “alarm” the key “txt_autoimport” with a value between -1 and 23. -1 deactivates the function and the values 0 to 23 specify the hour of the autoimport.


The individual files with which you can import the corresponding data records via the autoimport are listed below.


Relations of PCs to rooms
The file for importing computers must be named PC-zu-Raum-Zuordnung.txt.
This file is structured as follows:







On the left side is the PC and on the right side in which room it is located.


Relations of initiators to rooms
The file for importing computers must be named Ausloeser-zu-Empfaenger-Zuordnung.txt.

This file is structured as follows:







On the left side is the trigger room and on the right side are the receiver rooms.
Relations of usernames to real names
The file for importing computers must be named NTLogin-zu-Personenname-Zuordnung.txt.
This file is structured as follows:





"maxmustermann"= Max Mustermann


Infoserver configuration settings for automatic import:

The following configuration options are available to you and must be entered in the Infoserver.ini in the [alarm] section. You can also set these settings via the serverboard.


Default: false


Here you can set txt_autoimport_delete_db= imported or txt_autoimport_delete_db= all.

With imported, only the most recently imported data records are deleted, whereas all imported and manually created data records are deleted.


Default: false


txt_autoimport_delete_files=true will cause the following:

The .txt files used for the import are deleted from the directory after the import.