Add a provider

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Navigation:  Components > Appsbox > Functions > Provider >

Add a provider

After you open the Appsbox, you first see the following view:




You can register by clicking on the orange "plus" button btn_plus_big





To register, you need the CoID and your email address.


The CoID was provided to you by Cordaware GmbH.


If you want to try our Demo please use the following CoID "DemoBestHome#2022", respectively the CoID "bestzero2FA#2024" for the 2FA Demo.


After you have specified this, you can register by clicking on the button btn_register and then receive a token by mail.


If you enter it in the corresponding input field, all you have to do is use the button btn_confirm to complete the registration.


After successful registration, a provider is available in the Appsbox.






For the providers, you can now initialize a connection by clicking on the "play" button btn_play. You can also close this connection with the "stop" button btn_stop.

After you have established a successful connection, you can switch to the overview for all available apps, web applications, and directories by clicking on the number below the "stop" button btn_stop.




By clicking on the respective app, the connection is established and the application can then be used.




bestzero® Demo:

For the apps "WebDAV", "Remote Desktop Connection", as well as "bestinformed Website", the following credentials are available:


Username: demo

Password: demo



bestzero® Demo:

How to share apps with the demo is explained in the chapter Hive Configurator Demo.