Time Variables

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Time Variables

Next to the current local time and date on the client (environment variables %Date% and %Time%), it is also possible to calculate general time values of the timezone of a client. If, for example, maintenance work begins at 16:00 in one location, then another location in a different timezone needs to know at which local time they will be affected. For this, you can use the so-called UTC* wildcard, which is similar to the ScriptVar wildcard:


[UTC=Date/Time(local) -Offset]

* UTC = Universal Time Coordinated, is conform to GMT at the zero meridian


Comment on syntax:


In our example, maintenance begins at 16:00 local time in Berlin. Berlin is in the timezone UTC +1, ergo the offset is +1 (UTC plus one hour). For getting from local time to UTC, it is necessary to substract the offset of one hour from the local time:


[UTC=16:00 -1:00:00]


It is also possible to use date and time (date-format dd.mm.yyyy):


[UTC=14.02.2008 16:00 -1:00:00]


In case the appropriate UTC time is known, it can be inserted directly:




The Infotext now contains the information, that a certain UTC-value has to be substituted by the appropriate value in the timezone of the Infoclient. If, for example, an Infoclient is in New York, then his local timezone is UTC -5. In this case, the UTC-tag [UTC=16:00 -1] would be substituted with the value 10:00:00 by the Infoclient in New York.


The offset must be defined in the format hh:mm:ss. If the UTC offset negative (which means west of the UTC), then the offset must be added.




UTC-Tag in Infotext

Display in UTC +1 (e.g. Berlin)

Display in UTC -5 (e.g. New York)

[UTC=12:00 -1:00:00]


06:00:00 AM

[UTC=09:00 +5:00:00]


09:00:00 AM

[UTC=01.03.2008 22:00 +5:00:00]

02.03.2008 04:00:00

22:00:00 PM