Special Notes on Citrix

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Special Notes on Citrix

Cordaware bestinformed is citrix certified.



Please note the following when using Cordaware bestinformed in combination with Citrix:


Notice for unterminated Sessions


In some Citrix environments with Published Application, it can occur that user-sessions remain active on the server, even though the user has closed the application. This is a known problem in Citrix. It can occur, that Citrix isn't able to close all background-processes that were initiated with a new user-session. In case this problem occurs with the Infoclient, then it is possible to include the Infoclient, respectively the process Progman.exe (this is the process, that initiates the Infoclient in terminal-sessions) in the list of background-processes, that will always be terminated automatically when a terminal-session is closed by the user. For this, it is necessary to edit the registry.


For adding the application Progman.exe to the list of automatically terminated processes, please proceed as following:


1. Open the Registry-Editor and search for the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\wfshell\TWI


2. Open the item LogoffCheckSysModules (type: REG_SZ) and add the string Progman.exe to the value (value is list of processes that will be terminated automatically).


Attention: Editing the registry improperly can lead to severe errors! Please be cautious and careful when editing the registry. It is generally advisable to make a backup of the registry before any editing is performed.


More informations on this topic can be found in the support-database of Citrix: http://support.citrix.com/ Article: CTX891671


Notice for Citrix 32bit Clients with Infoclient on 64bit Operating Systems


On a 64bit OS, the Infoclient is installed automatically in 64bit mode. This causes, that the initialization of the Infoclient is written to the 64bit node of the Registry:




NoDefaultShell=True (Initialization of the Infoclient for Citrix sessions with Progman.exe)



HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon -> Userinit[REG_SZ]=userinit,C:\Program Files (x86)\Cordaware\Infoband\Progman.exe,


Since the 32bit Citrix Client queries its session-initilization from the 32bit node of the Registry, the Infoclient won't be initialized correctly with Progman.exe, because the item is missing in the value of the key:




HKLM\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon -> Userinit[REG_SZ]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,


Due to the incorrect initialization, it can occur that the Infoclients of the Citrix sessions register to the Infoserver without username. This can be viewed in the connection-overview on the administration website. To solve this problem, it is necessary to add the call of Progman.exe in the 32bit node of the Registry:




HKLM\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon -> Userinit[REG_SZ]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,C:\Program Files (x86)\Cordaware\Infoband\Progman.exe