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There are two kinds of acoustic signals which can be used with Cordaware bestinformed. You have the opportunity to play a sound file in the format WAV or a signal/system beep.


WAV file: If you want to play a WAV file, you can upload it via the App Content (Contents -> Content). Click here on the folder symbol and select a sound file from the Content Management.


After the installation of the infoserver sound examples are stored automatically. These sounds can be used when you insert the corresponding path to the soundfile. (e.g. http://infoserver:8000/sounds/tada.wav








Signal beep: Beside the WAV sounds you can play various system sounds which will be entered in the same text field. The following values/system sounds can be entered here:

psOK, psError, psWelcome, psEmergency, psWrong, psCall, psOfficial, psDaze, psFall, pfChord, psWhisle, psHanging, psClimb



Please note: If this text field stays empty and the option Signal On Info is activated concidently, the default sound of the client will be played back automatically. On the other hand corrupted inputs will automatically generate a beep sound.

With the option Sound only, no visible message! will not be displayed a newsticker, only the named sound will be played back.

Signal: The activation of the option Signal on Info will set, that a signal sound will be played back once the Info started.
