Creation of a Taskbar Caption

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Creation of a Taskbar Caption

With the Setting TaskbarCaption=YourText in the Infoclient.ini, you can define a text which will be shown in the taskbar of the winlogon screen. The Infoclient.ini setting ShowTaskbarOnWinogon= has to be set to True beforehand.




1. Create a new Client configuration and select the settings ShowTaskbarOnWinlogon as well as TaskbarCaption.


2. Now you can enter the text (with variables) which you want to be shown on the WinLogon Taskbar.


You can use the following example: (This example will show the Computername, IP-Address and the Sessionclientname of the User)


Computer: %Computername% | IP: %IPAddress% | Username: %Sessionclientname%


3. Now you can send out your configuration to your recipients in order to activate their TaskbarCaption.