Start provider automatically

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Start provider automatically

In this chapter you will learn how to start certain providers automatically regardless of the settings in the Appsbox application.



Setting up the automatic start of a provider


Open the configuration file "app.config" on directory level. (Default directory: "C:\Program Files\Cordaware\best_zero\data\configs\app.config")


Now add the autostart setting by making the following changes to your configuration:






  {best_socks, [

    %% Logger

    {logger, #{level => error}},

    %% Mode

    {mode, shared}, % or alone

    %% Users

    {users, all} % or registered







  {best_socks, [

    %% Logger

    {logger, #{level => error}},

    %% Mode

    {mode, shared}, % or alone

    %% Users

    {users, all}, % or registered

    %% System autostart

    {autostart, [

      {<<"<COID>">>, <<"<DOMAIN_USERNAME>">>, <<"<DESCRIPTION>">>}






Pay urgent attention to the additional comma after the previous setting "{users,all}", so that no syntactical error occurs within the configuration file!

You can also specify multiple entries within the autostart setting by separating them with a comma.


Replace the respective variables with the corresponding content:





The Company ID (CoID) of the provider.


The username of the domain account whose email address was used to register with the provider.



Do not enter the e-mail address here.

<DESCRIPTION> (optional)

The exact description of the provider.



This specification is optional, if you do not specify a description, your provider will only be identified by the CoID and the user.


If you do specify a description, it must fully match the description in your provider list so that your provider can be correctly identified by CoID, user and description.


Based on this information, your provider is identified and automatically started when Appsbox is launched, giving you immediate access to your apps.



Please note, if your provider is secured with two-factor authentication, you cannot start it automatically!





hmtoggle_arrow1Start provider with CoID automatically


hmtoggle_arrow1Automatically start provider with CoID and description


hmtoggle_arrow1Start multiple providers automatically