Version Release 13.02.2023

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Version Release 13.02.2023

This version contains the following components


Cordaware bestinformed Web Interface (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Infoserver (Version 6.1.37)

Cordaware bestinformed Infoclient (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Database (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Migration 5 to 6 (Version




bestinformed got a new logo in the web interface and in the internal help documents


New functions in the web interface


oInfohistory has now a count visible for the ADMIN (years, months) etc.

oMailToInfo interface you can now use both ports 8025 and 8465 (SSL)

oIn the Alarm Location Manager App setting you can restrict now the manager view to devices and alarms.

oRestricted export of selected and viewable organisations in the Alarm Location Manager

Fixed bugs in the web interface


oSearching for devices as manager in the Alarm Location Manager App was fixed

oThe JSON output for the REST API in the Infoeditor



New version for the database


oThe database was just upgraded to a newer version