Version Release 11.05.2021

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Version Release 11.05.2021

This version contains the following components


Cordaware bestinformed Web Interface (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Infoserver (Version 6.1.22)

Cordaware bestinformed Infoclient (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Database (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Migration 5 to 6 (Version


New functions in the web interface


New info (info editor)

oIt is now possible to address LDAP groups with previously defined recipient groups in an OR relationship.


oIn the server board, the columns displayed in the connection overview can be modified using the "conn_keys" entry. This entry now respects the specified order and lists the columns accordingly.


oA new permission to delete filters of other users has been added for roles ("Allow filter delete from other users").


oChanges to alarm/alert circles in the Alarm App, as well as in the Alert Location Manager, no longer need to be explicitly confirmed.

oInfo2Mail filters can be stored as escalation script under System (global) for alarms of the Alert Location Manager.


Fixed bugs in the web interface



oBugs in login, notifications and edit view groups as ADMIN have been fixed.


New functions of the Infoserver


If many infos are canceled at once, the Infoserver will no longer send the canceled infos one by one, but will collect them for a certain amount of time and then send a cancel message with all the info IDs collected up to that point.

oYou can customize this behavior with the following INI settings in \best_srv\etc\best_local.ini:

[best_buri] canceledtime = 1000 (time in milliseconds, specifies how long in one step Info IDs should be collected, default: 1000).

[best_buri] canceledbulk = 100 (maximum number of simultaneously collected Info IDs, default 100)


Fixed infoclient bugs


An unquoted service path vulnerability was fixed.