Version Release 20.01.2020

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Version Release 20.01.2020

This version contains the following components


Cordaware bestinformed Web Interface (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Infoserver (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Infoclient (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Database (Version

Cordaware bestinformed Migration 5 to 6 (Version


General improvements of the software performance


Performance optimization for the usage of filters.

Optimization for the usage of role resources / filters and so on.

Improved performance with hibernate processes.

Domain profile only fetches relevant data.

Performance improvements while using filter logics.


New functions in the web interface:


New: Sencha version 7.0.0 as JavaScript framework.

Multiple default Alarm Location Manager favorites and groupings can be deleted simultaneously.

Alarm Location Manager demand info can only be shown after an IP change.

While deleting Alarm Location Manager alerts the alert customizations will also be deleted.

Additional colors can be defined for the Infoeditor / StatusInfos. The different values will be set via the serverboard. There you can define the keys „additionalcolors“ and „additionalcolorsonly“.

Via the Alarm Location Manager Alert plan mobile devices can be displayed on their own.

In the Alarm Location Manager devices Alert plan mobile devices will be highlighted.

Support for couchDB version 2.3.x.

Improvements for the connection overview and display.

Cleanup of old rooms in the alarm circles of the alarm app.

Minor improvements of the alarm app interface.

In the Infohistory the „Caption" will now be displayed as a column.

Tooltips in the Infohistory for the columns "Info" and "Caption".

If the user doesn’t have the resources for Infofields in their role/s the tab "Infofields" in the Infoeditor will not be displayed.

Recipient filters can now be set for roles.

Display of additional information in the Info overview (expandable / collapsable).

The selection of LDAP groups is now multi selectable.

The search for users (e.g. user_100) in the LDAP groups in the Infoeditor will be listed as "[user_100] Groupname".

System - Serverboard [general] info_preview_time = true (default: false) shows the time settings at the preview of an Info.



Fixed bugs in the web interface:


Fixed bugs in the Alarm Location Manager

The status of separate cluster nodes will be displayed in the Dashboard.

Several text and small workflow optimizations in the Alarm Location Manager

The hyperlink for the chapter in the client configuration was fixed.

Roles and the usage of filters, recipient filters while sending an Info.

Move Info into history (manually and automatically at 12 PM).

From the history deleted Infos were still listed in the Info overview in other open browser tabs.

Permissions "Offline Infos allowed" and "Cancel all running Infos on client PC allowed“.

Various icons were updated.

Recipient overview and connection overview with roles recipient filters.

Loading mask while saving the routing in a survey.

Bug "empty Info" after "Cancel Info" or "Move Info to history“.

Login with a domain if an additional domain was selected.

Client configuration / send as personalized Infoclient.ini.


New Infoserver functions:


Response functionality if client could not be found.

Support for CouchDB version 2.3.1 and above.

Added new proxy settings for Infoclient load balancer functionality.

Service restarts automatically on failure.

Added pre-shared key mechanism for the Infoclient connection establishment using {handshake, hello}.

Cache Content attachements from the content app locally.


Fixed bugs in the Infoserver:


Performance of connection queues.

Using demand infos if the client id was not found the Service used max memory and crashed.

Sending infos is now queued properly.

MQTT2Info display the alarm room name instead of the id.

Functionality of Passive, DuplicatedUserList, DuplicatedComputerList.


New Infoclient functions:


New load balancer functionality for the Infoclient.

The server address will automatically change based on the load balancer settings.

The connection to the Infoserver can be secured via pre-shared key. There are no certificates needed anymore.

New "HtmlDecodeStr" setting replacing certain characters with pre defined values.

New "sessionstate" property will be displayed in the connection overview.

oThis shows whether the current session of the client is active or connected but runs in the background (e.g. the winlogon session).

Sessionstate is "active" if session is active or connected.

New Infoclient setting "passiveModeOnLocalDisconnectedSession = false" (default: false).

oOnly the active session is not passive using fast user switch.

oIf using, "tempActiveAllowed = false" will be set by the Infoclient.


Fixed bugs in the Infoclient:


Image cache on popups.

Horizontal and vertical scrollbar on popups.

Update connection on session state change.